Friday, July 11, 2014

Short & Sweet - Charity Love

Joining Alpha Delta Pi 8 years ago truly did change the way I look at things.  Yeah - sororities are about fun and friends, but each sorority also has a philanthropic side where they donate time and money to help support a charity.  The national charity of ADPi is the Ronald McDonald House.  For those of you who may not be familiar with RMH, they are a "home-away-from-home" for families of patients staying at St. Jude's for treatment.

I was so touched by how this charity helps so many people during one of the worst times in their lives that I decided to run for Philanthropy chair my sophomore year.  A little while later, I was given the position and the responsibility of managing all the activities and trips we did at the Ronald McDonald House, while also planning all the events to raise money to support RMH.

While I count myself lucky that I have not had a personal reason to stay at the Ronald McDonald House, visiting the house and volunteering my time definitely touched me.  Whether it was cooking spaghetti, writing cards, or decorating Christmas trees with the kids, it has left an imprint on my heart that will always be there.  Thanks to my decision to join ADPi, the Ronald McDonald House will always be a charity that is close to my heart!

Did you know you can help support the Ronald McDonald House without actually donating any money?  Just save your can tabs off the beverages you drink.  It's that easy!  I remember taking garbage bags full of can tabs to RMH back in college.  If you don't have time to take them by yourself, just find the ADPi chapter at your local college and drop them off.  I'm sure they'd be happy to take them in for you!

I challenge you to find a charity you are passionate about.  Even if you do not have the time or money to donate, there is always something you can do to help out!  Something as simple as taking the can tabs off your empty drink is something everyone can do!

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