Monday, February 29, 2016

My Love of Essential Oils

You know those people who can easily pick out the perfect gift for you without even asking for ideas?  My Aunt Linda happens to be one of them!  Besides being in tune with my obsession for Pottery Barn and Williams-Sonoma, she can get me a gift she knows I would love without even asking me.

Last year for my birthday, I got a large box in the mail from her with my birthday present.  I open it up to find a starter kit of essential oils, complete with a diffuser and magazines with information and tips galore.  Before I opened the box, I had never used essential oils for anything other than lavender in a bubble bath.  Little did I know that I would quickly become addicted to them.  Once again, she picked out an amazing gift.

For those of you out there who are skeptical thinking it's just another fad that will die out soon, it's not.  These oils really do work!  From using Peppermint to help with allergies and headaches to a Young Living blend called Thieves to boost your immune system, I am in love!  Below is a list of the oils I've used in the past 6 months of having my starter kit and the common uses for them.

  • Peppermint - headaches, allergies
  • Thieves - immunity boost
  • Panaway - sore muscles
  • Lavender - relaxation, sleep, eczema
  • Lemon - flavor in water
  • Tea tree - acne breakout
  • Frankincense - lighten up scars and dark marks
  • Peace and Calming - stress, sleep
  • Valor - sleep

If you want to learn more, please do not hesitate to reach out to me and I'll be happy to get you more information.  These are amazing - trust me!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

A Bundle of Nerves to Tickled Pink

A bundle of nerves...that may be an understatement to describe the past 3 months.  Over the past 3 months, Chris came home from his audition-rotations, we made our rank list for residency, and we matched.  Yes ladies and gentlemen, WE MATCHED!!!  After 4 long years of studying and rotating through specialties, we matched into an amazing program and one of our top choices.  We will be moving to southern New Jersey for Chris to practice Emergency Medicine at Kennedy University Hospital in Stratford, NJ!

Another understatement is to say we are tickled pink.  More like tickled pink on cloud nine with sprinkles on top!  After this crazy journey through a grueling 4 years of medical school, it's finally paid off.  Yes, you first and second year med students out there, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  And for all the spouses and significant others, I can attest that you help them through every second of this and they 100% appreciate everything you do.

My first blog post I referenced how you can be joyful and jittery at the same time.  Honestly, I can say these past 3 months have been that exact same experience all over again.  We were beyond joyful that the auditions were over, the rank list was out of our hands and up to the computer algorithm.  On another hand, we were way beyond jittery wanting to know where we matched.  It definitely paid off in the end.  We are both so happy to move to a new area near family and friends and continue life together.

Here's to a great year so far and an even better rest of the year ahead.  Moving within 20 minutes of Philadelphia, an hour and a half of NYC, and close to family and friends, we are beyond thrilled!